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this is probably the best horror game i have ever played like the game makes you wait for the jumpscares not like the aaa horror games filled with the cheapest jumpscares make more games like this you got talen


i got scared 10/10





I had a lot of fun with this game. Thanks for making it! 


delightful! kudos (:




Love this game! Such creepy vibes and great tension

This game scared a couple years off my life like no kidding bruh the amount of unexpected jumpscares was absolutely amazing

Overall 10/10 AMAZING GAME

love it scared me good 

My dread was elevated


으스스한 공포게임! 엘리베이터 탈때마다 나오는 괴물의 정체는 머지? 재밌었습니다.
(2 edits) (+2)

Você é um panfletista que escolheu o pior lugar pra entregar seus últimos panfletos de Halloween. Mas caso você ainda tenha panfletos pra entregar, segue onde não ir:


Muy Muy BUeno, pero corto...

I really loved this game! One of the only games that have made me shake as much as I did lol. Would've liked it more if there was some sort of chasing mechanic so the hiding area made more sense. Would love to see other horror games you come up with :)


This game is awesome, I love weird horror games like this


Such a good horror atmosphere ! love this game ! 


The name of the game says it all, I was on the edge of my seat the entire game. It was so scary it almost made me not want to play it, but trust me... play it through till the end!

i played this game on a toilet so i wouldnt shit my entire house. now i use the stairs to go to the 27th floor of my apartment, corridors are shit, @wadhjgbswuihykldgbsa aint lying ong ong fr no cap


fucking shit i hate this game its scarred me for life wtf why is it so scary


fr i had to see a the()rapist after thisong ong help me

its just a game..


Increíble atmósfera (justamente lo que más me torturó fue el silencio de los pasos jaja) Gran trabajo! Comparto mi experiencia en español.


that was scary great job on the game thanks!


Def a creepy experience love the tension!

I think it's pretty scary with the jumpscares and horror elements.


This horror game was really an amazing experience and you should definitely make more games like this !

(1 edit) (+2)

I'm 'Quitting' my job after this! I mean come on, being a 'flyers guy' is not the best paying job and this is way out of my pay grade! But on the other hand this was quite a very interesting & fun game and I think you you should scare the s#!% out of yourself. but hey I'm just a messenger and if you want to see the messenger play the game himself, you can


this games atmosphere is A1 this game was great with great jumpscares and you should play. we played 3 games  

Gran juego, recomendadisimo!




Eres sólo un niño normal...


Si disfrutas con los videojuegos de terror en primera persona y además de manera intensa, con este Short Horror Game by Andrground, ELEVATED DREAD pasarás MUCHO MIEDO. No eres más que un niño normal que no puede esperar a recibir su primer salario pegando folletos en las puertas de los apartamentos de la gente. Esta es la última casa en la que necesitas hacer esto, ¡así que adelante!

The title is very apt; the dread certainly elevates as you progress. I really enjoyed the atmosphere in this one and genuinely had a creepy experience with it.

(1 edit) (+2)

You really make a players stay on his guard the whole time, while luring them in with false events and giving them respite, when they dont expect the real thing!

Its the second game in my video.

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